Betta Fish Illness Guide

Diagnose your Betta Fish Illness

Something is wrong with your rumble fish, and you need to diagnose which betta fish illness it is suffering from. You’ve come to the right place. Here, using our symptoms guide, you will be able to quickly determine what is ailing your fighting fish.

Our experts have compiled this list of the most common betta fish diseases. Included with each illness, are the most common symptoms that your betta will exhibit.

1) Fungal Infection: Your betta has pale patches on his body and head. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

2) Tail Rot / Fin Rot: This is possibly the most common of the rumble fish diseases. The fins and tail get continually shorter and is easily detected. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

3) Betta Ick: Betta ick is a parasite. It is diagnosed by the appearance of white dots all over your betta fish. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option….

4) Betta Velvet: Betta velvet is another parasite. In this case, the result is your rumble fish looking like it has been sprayed with gold dust. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

5) Betta Popeye: Betta popeye is a bacterial infection. It is easily detected as your fighting fish will have a bulging eye. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

6) Betta Dropsy: This is a very serious betta fish illness and can be fatal. Betta fish dropsy is believed to be caused by feeding live food to your fighting fish. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

7) Betta Parasites: This is also usually caused by feeding live food to your betta. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

8) Betta fish swim bladder disorder: This is caused by over feeding your betta fish. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

9) Betta Inflamed Gills: This can be caused by toxins in the water of your tank. It is also possible that your betta may have been born with a defective gill. You’ll diagnose this by noticing that his gills do not close all the way. Click here for a picture…Click here for a treatment option…

Contact Us

If you were unable to confidently determine the betta fish illness your rumble fish is suffering from, you can consult one of our experts. You can email us or phone us toll-free. Not only will they be able to help you identify the betta fish illness, they will also give you the most effective treatment options.

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There are a lot of tips I could give you to diagnose betta fish diseases. However, the best method of prevention is to make sure that your betta is swimming in healthy conditions. Do a full tank change every week and ladle out 500 ml of water every few days and replace it with bottled water (free of chlorine). This little bit of tank maintenance will read more
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Diagnose a Betta Fish Illness

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I used to have sick bettas all the time. I finally realized that what you say about changing the water is true. Since I started changing water every week and doing partial changes with bottled water, my betta has never been happier or healthier.

Linda, Manchester England
